Monday, January 7, 2013

Inspiration from a Crossfit Mama

I find a lot of inspirations for my own workouts from other people's blogs and websites. Today, the workout of choice comes from one of my favorite blogs called Crossfit Mamas. She takes crossfit moves and workouts, and makes them "mamafied" to gain the strength but not the bulk. I LOVE her workouts and use them often for myself and in my classes. This workout is called "Barbara". Click here for her original post.

5 rounds, each for time of:
20 Push-ups
30 Lunges
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats

Rest precisely 3 minutes between each round. Time each round individually.

*My input on this workout: make sure you are warmed up (jog in place, dance around, chase a toddler, etc.). For at least one round, try to do the pushups full out (meaning "guy" style!). I would do 15 lunges on each side, and honestly, 40 full on sit-ups is misery (or seemingly impossible for some), so I usually mix it up and do 10-20 of a couple of abs exercises (but I don't have a 6-pack like most crossfit people, so maybe I should be doing the sit-ups!). For the squats, I would do the first round with my feet shoulder width apart, the next in a plie squat, then a narrow squat (feet close together), and then the last round do 1-legged squats and do 25 on each side. Enjoy!

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