Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Chair Workout

If you are working out at home, the fewer the props, the easier it is to get a workout in. 
Today's prop: a Chair. 
It can be a folding chair, a computer chair, a kitchen chair, a dining table chair, etc.
Just a CHAIR!

Here are some great moves to be done with a Chair!
From this position there is a ton you can do!
Taps: Tap feet on floor and bring up (as shown).
Bicycle: Hold the side of chair for support and bicycle those legs.
In and Outs: Start with feet up (as shown) and kick straight out and in.
In and Out Twists: As you bring the knees in, come up on one hip to work the obliques. 
Step Ups: Start on floor and step up (as shown).
One Legged Squats: Start on top of chair, slowly bring foot down, 
but do not rest foot on floor, and straighten back up.
One Legged Squats w/Hip Extension: At the top of the squat, kick leg straight out.

Side Plank w/Leg Lift: I think the picture speaks for itself!

This next list is from the blog Pumps and Iron. I thought it was GREAT!
This last position, you could also do:
Elevated Pushups: On toes. Good luck!
Kick Forward/Back: Start in plank, swing feet forward 
and tap the heels in a reverse plank, swing legs back to a plank. Repeat!


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