Saturday, February 6, 2010

First Ride: Completed!

I did it! I woke up at 4am to go to Katy to ride my first REAL ride! It was for Ducks Unlimited and there were probably 3000 riders (my guesstimation). I felt sheepish breaking out my camera before, but I wish I would have taken a picture ride before we started! It was an awesome sight! Anyhoo--My stats:

Mileage: 48! (I know, I even amaze myself, but real troopers went 70!)
Time: I think I ended up just over 3-3.5 hours
Average MPH: 13.5 (before you laugh at my slowness, in my defense, there was a stellar headwind/crosswind, otherwise I was cruisin' at about 15-17 mph).
Calories burned: just under 2000

The ride was actually quite nice. We started out at Katy Mills Mall, and basically ended up in the country. I have a map-otherwise I really have no idea where we were at! There were a few hills--my favorite showing up after spending an hour with a headwind, just to find a hill, and thankfully a reststop not too much farther!

Things I learned:
-You may pass one or two people here and there, but when you get passed, it's by a troop of like 20 riders hauling.
-Reststops are amazing and incredibly unsanitary! We are talking food (M&M's!) and portapotties and no sanitizer. (note to self: carry hand sanitizer).
-My hands and toes never warm up. I think I knew this after years of skiing/snowboarding/snowmobiling--but it still shocked me that they still are tender 10 hours postride.
-Bike seats are not comfortable. Whoever thinks they are are insane.
-I need cushier shorts. (see above).
-Glasses are key when riding. Thank you Shawn!
-Biker shorts may go up to the ribs of most ladies, but guys have a tendency to plummer it.
-Bikers are funny people. They are generally nice, chatty, and courteous. The rude ones pass unexpected without calling out.
-I need a little boombox thing for my bike. A group passed me with one and I wanted to join (but there were like 30 people passing me and I get shuffled in a group that big).
-I now understand when people say they have ridden with thousands yet rode alone (that would be me today).
-I like to hold the low handlebars, but my hands fall asleep.
-I get extra momentum when I know I only have 10 miles left. I think it's motivating knowing I can give my rear a break and try to thaw my hands.
-I have been riding on flatish tires. It makes a difference when you air them up to the proper psi.
-I think I may have made a mistake for signing up for the MS 150. I like to ride, but I'm such a fair weather friend (ask any of my friends back home when it comes to snowboarding and waterskiing!). I don't like the cold, I don't like the wind (Hello, Texas), and I'm kind of a pansy. What have I gotten myself into?! I know in the end, I will love it. It's like now--I think of how miserable I was, but all I feel is the accomplishment of doing it AND NOT FALLING! (This was a prime goal!)

Anyhoo, with my first real ride under my belt, I do feel a lot more confident about the big ride. It really is fun riding with others, and even though I'll be hurting tomorrow, it could have been a whole lot worse!


  1. WOW! That sounds awesome! You are a champ!! It sounds miserable and not fun at all but the feeling is what makes it worth it!! Way to go Kat!!

  2. Awesome! I didnt know that you ride bikes. 150 Miler is heavy stuff! Good Luck!

  3. This is awesome! I want to be like you so bad...wish you were here to train me. That would be soooo great! When is the man done with school?
