1. Shoulders: T-Raises--arms start at your sides and go straight out to a T.
Front Extensions--start with arms in front of you and lift straight forward. *Challenge: bring the arms all the way up to above the head.

2. Upper Back: Reverse Fly's--keep body leaned forward in a 45* angle. Squeeze the shoulder blades together and you bring the arms out.
3. Lower Back: Supermans--lift the upper and lower body together.
4. Chest: Pushups--keep arms wide and body straight.
Chest Press--on back, bring arms down into a "goal post" and press back up.

5. Bicep: Basic Bicep curls--palms up, do complete range of motion as you go with hands straight down, to up to the biceps.
6. Triceps: Overhead Tricep Press--keep inner arms close to your ears, hands together. Press the arms down towards the back and press back up.
7. Abs: Plank--basic plank on the elbows. Body stays tight and booty stays in line with the rest of the body. (Notice in the picture how straight her spine is from head to toe. Strive for that). Hold for 30 seconds. *Challenge: Hold for 1 minute.
Short on time: try doing 30 sets of each move and hold the plank for 1 minute.
Have time: do 8-16 sets of each move and repeat 3 times.
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