Saturday I went to my last group ride before the actual MS 150 next weekend. It was the Ram Challenge and its' proceeds went to the Ram marching band (being a nerdy band member myself, I thought it was a good cause! This is me before the ride. There was a fantastic double rainbow and the sun was shining and it looked to be a gorgeous day.
Me and the other riders getting ready to start. Still sunny with a slight sprinkling of rain. Not bad, still looking okay.
First stop: 12 miles in. We had been rained on relentlessly. I don't know where the sun went, but it ran away and in its place came thunder, some lightening, and a lot of rain. I felt like I was riding in a wet diaper thanks to my padded shorts, and to top things off, my computer quit working. At this stop I debated on turning back, only doing the 35 miles, or begging SAG to drive me back to my car! I'm proud to say I went on and at the turn point to go 35 or the higher miles, I turned for the higher! The rain stopped, and we started drying up, and then it hit hard again. By stop #2 we had to wait while they decided what to do with us (the rain was pouring at this point). They finally decided to shut down the 75 mile route, and so people could take the 60+ mile route or the 44. I went for the 44 and was glad I did. We had a head wind the majority of the time, but the ride was really pretty with the gradual hills. Minus the occasional pelting rain which felt like hail stones, I finally basically dried up! Near the end of the ride my knees were burning from the fight with the head wind, but magically it warmed up.
This is a "glamor shot" of my legs post ride! Please note the white knees from my knee braces--that's not a tan, that's dirt--also to be seen at my ankles (nice mud ring around my sock line), and then my pruny feet from sitting in wet shoes for hours. I don't know if I'm exactly prepared for the big ride next weekend. I know I can handle rain for about 30 miles before it really starts annoying me! I also know I have a low tolerance for major headwind, and my knees hate me. I do know I love group rides and enjoy the people. Next weekend will be an experience to say the least! Worse case scenario, I know I've raised the money for a great cause and I'm riding for 2 people who totally deserve it! Whether I finish the ride or not, I've done what I can!
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