This WILL be me! (okay, maybe after a boob job!) |
I've recently joined a group of amazing women in a boot-camp class under the evil eye of
Dr. Daniel Scherer and his company
Vimrise! The best part is we work
out 30 minutes a day, 4 times a week together in a hardcore, beat your body style (which you know
I love!). The other part, is a diet to get us the results we want. Well, it should be no
surprise that I needed a major revamp of my diet! So we started out with a 5-day Detox.
I won't lie, I'm SHOCKED how doable this is! And this is me, queen of sugar!
Here's the plan:
is just 5 days for detox and to maximize the efficiency of your hormones
No grains,
beans, starches or fruit
Drink 3
liters of filtered water each day: 16 ounces morning, midmorning snack, lunch,
midafternoon snack, dinner, nighttime snack = 3 liters
No alcohol
Focus on
lean proteins and veggies with some fats (olive oil, nuts, avocado, eggs)
Get ready to
rock it!
It is time to give your body a break from
grains, legumes, dairy, alcohol, caffeine and basically all sugars except those
found in fruits and veggies. You may
feel deprived but remember, we are priming your body, liver, hormones and your
mind for optimal fat loss. It’s a
challenging shift and extreme but you can do it for 5 days. After day 5 we can get into easier clean
eating and you’ll feel energized, focused and ready to melt that body fat. No
more struggling due to unregulated hormones or a toxic liver.
Meal 1- (8am):
16oz-filtered water
3 scrambled eggs with
spinach, kale and asparagus, small bowl of berries
Breakfast Smoothie: 1
cup unsweetened almond milk blended with 1 scoop chocolate protein, ice and 1
tablespoon all-natural nut butter, baby spinach
Meal 2 – Snack (10am):
16oz-filtered water
Meal 3- Lunch (12pm):
16oz-filtered water
Huge greens salad (any
veggies are allowed except carrots)
Protein source on top
(chicken, turkey, fish or steak)
Olive oil and vinegar
Meal 4- Afternoon Snack (3pm):
16oz-filtered water
4-5 ounces beef jerky
Sliced veggies
Handful of 16 raw nuts
Sliced veggies
Meal 5- Dinner (6-7pm):
4-5 ounces of lean
protein- any source (chicken, fish, turkey, steak, grass fed ground beef)
Huge mixed greens salad
with olive oil/vinegar dressing
Side of green veggies-
broccoli, asparagus, green beans are all allowed
Basically, it's a whole lotta of veggies and protein! I'm on day three, and day one was rough.
By the time I picked up my kids from school, I was STARVING and exhausted! But my snack was sub-par, and I had worked out about 3 hours that morning starting at 5am. I cheated dinner (honest Kat here) and had hawaiin haystacks but chowed on green beans and DID NOT eat dessert (insert singing angels here!). Tuesday was better with an amazing chicken spinach salad for lunch, which helped
the hunger pains! I did cheat dinner again (it was a mess of a night) and did have cupcakes
which was a major sin, but they were good, but I was mentally sick after!
Today has been even easier. I had eggs for breakfast and a salad for lunch and my snack
of almonds and jerky (I mix the two since 5oz of jerky is a little intense!) and feel good!
I haven't had a Diet Coke since Sunday and not craving it either!
Most of the girls (myself included!) have already lost a couple of pounds!
And that's with me cheating.
(this is gospel by Kat. I'm not a nutritionalist or a personal trainer.
Just a certified fitness instructor who listens to her body!)
Listen to your body. We have one girl that has been really faint because the lack of food.
I get really cranky because of the drastic diet change. My cheats may be an amazing light
dressing for my salad to give it a zing. Or maybe a dinner that does not fully meet diet guidelines.
I also LOVE water with a lemon slice or two. It's delish and I can drink it all day!
Do the best you can knowing you WILL feel better by eating cleaner! I PROMISE!