Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I Think I'm Cursed
It's official, I'm cursed. Every time there is a day that I could easily get classes covered or kids watched, it rains or is freezing or something major comes up. I was planning on going on Friday. A real ride with a real group. Guess what the weather is suppose to be like? Cold and Raining. Of course. Since the weather has been amazing for the passed two weeks when I've been to busy to breath, now a cold front is coming in. I give. Maybe me training wasn't meant to be.
Friday, January 22, 2010
VO2 Max

I had my VO2 Max tested today! I know that makes no sense to many people, but basically it's how much oxygen a person can take in and utilize. I've been studying about for my AFAA cert and was stoked to actually get tested. I went up to the Sports and Fitness Therapy floor in the Med Center with my bike and shoes and they hooked me up to some machines testing my heartrate and speed and gear. Then they strapped this mask over my face (flashback of emergency c-section), and had me ride. The tester would add Watts every minute and I had to ride until I wanted to hurl. When I said 'stop', I really meant it, but afterwards thought, "maybe I could have gone longer?" Oh well. I will be tested again in about 10 weeks (before the big race), so hopefully I can improve. To give you an idea of the numbers, an average person has a VO2 Max of upper 20's-lower 30's. Lance Armstrong has a VO2 Max of 87. And now for my results:
VO2 Max: 49 ml/kg/min (I'm basically what he called a weekend warrior!)
HR Max: 193
LT %: 75.6 (this is how hard I have to work before my lactic acid in my muscles kick in).
Max Watts: 240 (we started at 75. This is the number I really want to improve upon)
Now I know I want to do more hills in my spin classes and definitely get on the road more. I also when to Sun and Ski Sports open house thing tonight to pick up my number and shirt for a ride on Feb 6, and picked up some more needed bike gear and tips for the ride. It was cool and nice to go by myself so I could soak it in. I have fallen in love with Cliff Blox. They are like a gummy energy treat. I'm excited to try them while working out!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Finally a Ride!
I finally went on a small ride today. At least I logged 5+ more miles on my bike, which practically quadrupled the original 1.5! The ride was definitely interesting. I went down a road by my house, and think I picked the pot-holeiest (it's a real word!) road in Houston. On the road, I passed a dead cow carcus, multiple trash piles (including a baby seat), and finished it off by passing 5 guys on horses. I was only chased by a pack of dogs once, which did lead me to screaming, but other than that, no major issues!
The new shoes were great, I had WAY more confidence clipping in (although my right foot does not cooperate), and I like being able to step out and not slide. It felt good being out there, even in the wind, and the horses! I now know the area a little better and am excited to go explore some of the other roads and neighborhoods around mine. I need to log a lot more miles before I will really feel confident, and I'm still scared to death with the idea of riding with a pack. But, it's a start!
The new shoes were great, I had WAY more confidence clipping in (although my right foot does not cooperate), and I like being able to step out and not slide. It felt good being out there, even in the wind, and the horses! I now know the area a little better and am excited to go explore some of the other roads and neighborhoods around mine. I need to log a lot more miles before I will really feel confident, and I'm still scared to death with the idea of riding with a pack. But, it's a start!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Getting the Gear
I've been excited to start really riding on the street and go figure, this week has been FREEZING (by Houston standards!). I did get me some mountain bike shoes so I'm a little less afraid to clip in, and today I went out and got me some true blue biking shorts with the basically diaper butt! I'm becoming official! If only it would warm up so I can ride! I'm currently counting my spin classes as training, although we never stay in the saddle more that a few minutes. Maybe I should do an all seated class. I bet my Saturday class would love that! I've been really inspired by my spin classes--in every class this week (to date, I'm up to 3) I've had multiple people training. It's nice that I have people I know that will be out there on the bikes with me, so maybe I'll see a familiar face! Tomorrow I'm hopefully heading to another bike shop to get some tubes and hopefully some capri pants to ride in . . . and maybe a water rack. Then, I should be set (hopefully). How did I manage to pick such an expensive hobby. This a trait that runs in my family!
Monday, January 4, 2010
What Have I Done?
I may have been possessed when I decided to sign up for the MS 150. That's all I can figure out! I've been wanting a roadbike for a long time and I finally got me dream bike in October. Three months later, it only has 1.5 miles on it. I got the clip in pedals and I'm scared to death! I figured jumping in on a race would help me get over my fear, and so here I am, signed up for this huge ride in April, and scared out of my socks!
After teaching spin for a few years now, students kept asking and pushing that I should sign up for this event. But, it took a lady who has MS who takes my spin class, who is signed up for the race, to push me into doing it. I figure, if she is pushing herself to do this, I should count my blessings and do it too! I'm signed up with the Caprock Communications team, and I don't know what that really entails, but it's nice to be a part of a team!
My goal: 150 miles
Money to raise: $400
To donate: Click Here
The Game Plan: There are training series you can sign up for in preparation for the race, but frankly, our weekends are crazy and I didn't want to drop the money to join in without the sure knowledge that I could join in every week. So, I've signed up for a race at the beginning of February. It's the Puddle for the Ducks and I'm racing 37 miles. In March I'm planning on signing up for the Gator Ride and up the mileage, and then the week before the biggie, I'm going to sign up for the Ram Challenge and enter in the 75 mile race. Hopefully with these races, mixed with whatever rides and I can get in on, and my spin classes (4 a week!), I will feel remotely prepared for this thing.
After teaching spin for a few years now, students kept asking and pushing that I should sign up for this event. But, it took a lady who has MS who takes my spin class, who is signed up for the race, to push me into doing it. I figure, if she is pushing herself to do this, I should count my blessings and do it too! I'm signed up with the Caprock Communications team, and I don't know what that really entails, but it's nice to be a part of a team!
My goal: 150 miles
Money to raise: $400
To donate: Click Here
The Game Plan: There are training series you can sign up for in preparation for the race, but frankly, our weekends are crazy and I didn't want to drop the money to join in without the sure knowledge that I could join in every week. So, I've signed up for a race at the beginning of February. It's the Puddle for the Ducks and I'm racing 37 miles. In March I'm planning on signing up for the Gator Ride and up the mileage, and then the week before the biggie, I'm going to sign up for the Ram Challenge and enter in the 75 mile race. Hopefully with these races, mixed with whatever rides and I can get in on, and my spin classes (4 a week!), I will feel remotely prepared for this thing.
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